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 @8RBQDDP  from Vermont answered…2wks2W

No, this is a ridiculous thing to say; rather there should be more traffic laws and better enforcement

 @9MYP55X from New York answered…6 days6D

Voluntary compliance sounds dumb to me. We easily manipulate each other for whatever egotistical greed—so why would we trust each other for individual responsibility?

 @nathanrose1 from South Carolina answered…7 days7D

No, but the an autobahn in America that you must take tests on every year stuff like left passing and right Lane is slow traffic get out of the left lane somebody's faster and if you don't fines

 @9MQ3BJM from Colorado answered…1wk1W

This is a stupid question as most traffic laws are primarily enforced via voluntary compliance and the tort system.

 @9MQ2X4M from New Jersey answered…1wk1W

No, and we should focus on comprehensive training and providing education to reduce traffic incidents on the road.

 @9MLJ772  from Illinois answered…2wks2W

Elimination of speed limits on interstates and major highways only. Spend more on keeping people safe from harmful people rather than checking their speed and other more minor violations. Increased and sharp response to reckless driving reports.

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