Yes, and ban all sales to countries with human rights violations
No, this could prevent our allies from defending themselves against our mutual enemies
Yes, but I would prefer a ban on all military aid to any foreign countries

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 @9MPVQSK from Texas answered…1wk1W

The government shouldn't be selling arms to any foreign country. We should bring back the Neutrality Acts.

 @9MN3K7C from Pennsylvania answered…2wks2W

Yes, but we should not aid any foreign countries unless we are allied with them and they are in need of help.

 @9MLFTSW from Tennessee answered…2wks2W

Country should be vetted to make sure the weapons are not used against American interests or being funneled to adversaries.

 @9JV6K58 from Utah answered…4mos4MO

Some situations were it's a enemy of my enemy is my friend are potentially acceptable but in general yes to restrictions.


arms sales should always be closely watched and regulated when it's from an official government and some forethought should be put into where those arms end up after the sale as well

 @9J9JCJY from Washington answered…4mos4MO

Yes there should unless it's for government or army uses. also there should be a restriction on government arms sales in countries accused of human rights violations because this is very bad and they could use those weapons to hurt people.

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