राजनीतिक प्रश्नोत्तरी प्रयास करें

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 @2Q6VKQZNew York से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Yes, with the provision that companies may not move their base. This is to incentivize trade and create jobs and a stronger economy- we should have provisions and guidelines in place for participants to ensure the continued growth of the american workforce.

 @2Q6L3VVNew York से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, free trade must be allowed and not subject to treaties guaranteeing reciprocity. We should not engage in trade wars; the market will provide the incentive for other countries to stop protectionism; even if they are deaf to the market, using force is counterproductive.

 @44gangsterMaryland से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @songtureTexas से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2MBZ243Georgia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

 @2MBSN9BCalifornia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

Without knowing what has been negotiated, I can't say. There are geopolitical reasons to have trade agreement with the countries engaged in these discussions. It could be an effective way to counterbalance China's influence.

 @2MBJY6CCalifornia से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, tariffs are an important source of revenue. Instead of pursuing a free trade strategy, the United States should pursue an equal trade strategy, where signers of the partnership agree upon a universal tariff rate.

 @2MB8H68Maine से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No it reduces a country's sovereignty and makes it easier for corporations to exploit countries for economic gain. Some countries will see a reduction in their food safety standards and some will miss out on jobs. Countries will loose some of their authority and will be able to be sued by corporations.

 @2M8Q3PKAlabama से उत्तर…4वर्ष4Y

No, I do not support any kind of agreement that may, by circumstance or design, force Americans to do business with any country or persons who commit criminal acts against humanity, as several of the intended "partners" are known to do.