Try the political quiz

14 Replies

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…3wks3W

 @UnstoppableDebat3Democratfrom Washington commented…3wks3W

West Virginia can rant about illegal immigrants all day long, but the plain fact is that W. Va. consumes more federal tax dollars than it produces. Liberal blue states underwrite their xenophobic politics. West Virginians are takers, Blue States are the makers.

 @MinorityBrandonForward from Oklahoma commented…3wks3W

Just shows how it's bad to have one party control for either side. Allows the extremes to govern unchecked rather than force a compromise to the middle. And the middle is where the right answers usually are found.

Shame that immigration has become so political. Makes compromise nearly impossible. But more necessary than ever.

 @TunaAllisonPeace and Freedom from Arizona agreed…3wks3W

You hit it on the nose. Being solely conservative or liberal is a dangerous stance because people like that don’t want to look at the complexities of reality and counter examples that blow a whole into any blanket argument.

 @EmptyLegislativeSocialist from Nebraska commented…3wks3W

So the Republican governor, and legislature, of West Virginia, would rather see its oldest, and most vulnerable, citizens die waiting for healthcare than to employ immigrants who are in the U. S. legally?


 @UnhappyPolitic4lRepublicanfrom Georgia agreed…3wks3W

It is a fact of life that old people die. We have to address how many of our health care dollars are spent trying to stretch out the dying process. I do not think it is kind to keep someone in this kind of existence. Before you start pointing fingers at me, I am very close to 80 yrs. old.

 @EmptyLegislativeSocialist from Nebraska disagreed…3wks3W

It's not death we need to worry about. It's living with the indignities of age. Older people can live with dignity when they have proper care. When my parents reached their 90's, they were fortunate to have home care providers from the Caribbean islands who were incredibly lovely: they treated my parents with respect and sympathy.

 @YouthfulBearLibertarian from Wisconsin commented…3wks3W

It’s always “I can’t find help” and never “I offered $25/hour and I still can’t find help”.

 @JumpyInd3pendentAmerican Solidarity from Pennsylvania commented…3wks3W

It's like legal immigration doesn't even exist anymore. When the progressive left have a meeting of the minds on illegal immigration, we are blasted with a constant barrage of justification that can be condensed to the ends justify the means.


If your community needed more workers, what would be your solution, and would it involve encouraging immigration?


How do you think the decision to limit immigration in a worker-hungry state like West Virginia affects its residents and economy?


Imagine your state is desperate for workers; would you welcome immigrants to fill those roles, or would you oppose it and why?


Would you support or oppose policies that make it harder for immigrants to work in your community if it meant jobs might go unfilled?


How would you feel if your state decided to significantly limit immigration, knowing it could negatively impact the available workforce?


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