Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @InnocentQuokkaGreenfrom Minnesota commented…4wks4W

The reporting requirement has come under..scrutiny during the drug..crisis, in part because women report stopping medications like..methadone, which are used to treat addictions during pregnancy..they fear traces of those meds in their newborns could cause them to lose custody.

 @ZestfulFreedomPatriotfrom New York commented…4wks4W

in other news crime in Boston dropped to record lows when they stopped recording crimes due to it disproportionately affecting black individuals

 @GutturalLionRepublican from California commented…4wks4W

The implications of such a concession are just plain hilarious 😂

Same rationale as apparently blacks can't get an ID to vote.


How do you think this policy change will affect the trust between healthcare providers and the communities they serve, especially marginalized ones?


Is it ethical to require written consent for drug testing expectant mothers or newborns, knowing that it could potentially leave some children in harmful environments?


Should racial and ethnic inequities in healthcare influence how hospitals handle cases of newborns testing positive for drugs?


How do you feel about the balance between protecting privacy and ensuring the safety of newborns who might be exposed to drugs?


Do you believe it's fair to change hospital policies based on racial disparities, even if it might mean some newborns with drug exposure might not get immediate help?


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