Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9LCGDQD from Indiana answered…2mos2MO

You have to stay strong and consistent with your own views. Your family will push a lot of their views on you which you might not agree with. And if this is the case, its okay to disagree as long as you can say why you support the side that you do. Also, a lot of parents didn't grow up like we did and they are proabably pushing past expectations that were put on them, now onto their children. They don't nesecarily understand what its like to be a kid or young adult in today's age. If you and your parents don't see eye to eye at all, its important to inform them about why you support the side that you do or why you are doing the things you are because a lot of the time they just need to learn more.

 @9LCGC9M from Texas answered…2mos2MO

I see keeping tradition fit is a good thing but it should also be modernized. We are multi cultural now and have been so for a long time so I think racist values in families should disappear and keeping those such traditions of political opinions is negative for this country as a whole to move on from any white supremacy seen in this country.